Wednesday 18 December 2013

Tips to Lose Weight

Eat candy WHILE Cook

Many children are recommended to sweets will move. However, according to this they are allowed to eat whenever you are cooking. Why? While the meal ready, but you're full. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

The point is to eat sweets strong taste, in small amounts, such as sour candies, those with a taste of mint or cinnamon.

KEEP clothespin on his nose

Everyone knows that scent plays a big role in what we eat and how much. Let us remind you of a school experiment. The nose is closed; they eat the apples to onions and note the difference.

Clothespin on his nose acting a bit extreme, but it will help you to eat only when you are hungry. Unfortunately, favorite food will not be so pleasant.


Celebrity interminenta diets or skipping meals, taking food from time to time, requires great effort. Deprivation of food may seem like a marathon.

However, its advocates point out that it has positive effects on insulin sensitivity, immunity and reduces the risk of cancer.
Experts say that they do not skip regular meals, and easily reach out to those additional.


Cake for breakfast? - Who is Kyle Leon?

This may like the worst advice ever. Israeli scientists claim that the cake a good choice because it is rich in protein and carbohydrates, therefore reducing the need for sweets during the day.
Just keep in mind that you need to zaustvite on one treat.

Astro Guide: Discover how to cope with excess weight II


Libra will remain faithful to a weight loss program if it helps her to her friends. This will simultaneously entertain and have the support of nice people. It is important that her diet is not extreme and that it contains fewer options because Libra is very difficult to make a choice. Become A Muscle Builder


Scorpio likes to test their limits and to elect extreme situations because just dealing with them is seen as progress. Marathon and trialton are ideal for her, as well as detoxifying child. The important thing is not to resort to starvation and to keep all measure.

3) Sagittarius

Sagittarius is recommended to fast running and kick boxing. Their adventurous nature requires different exercises, so let go at coaching in the park, horseback riding or archery. When you decide to change your eating habits, it is important to eliminate sugar and caffeine that they inflict the most damage.


Capricorn likes to set its own target and that in all ways trying to accomplish. Running and lifting weights to meet his demands. In his diet is important moderation, choosing simple child with, not at all surprisingly, the clear aim.


Lover of technology, Aquarius, your taste does not change even in the field of exercise. Enjoys a gym equipped with the most modern equipment for exercise. The diet followed his instincts. Fortunately, it is very successful in estimates that food suits her, and who does not. Who is Kyle Leon?


Fish are the most ideal for swimming, tai chi and yoga. These exercises are whatever best relax and easiest way to release the excess weight. Processed foods should be all of us to avoid, but Pisces those most harm, and must eliminate them.

Are these stars too thin?

On the red carpet in gowns that is carefully chose these stylists to fit perfectly with their body, they look fantastic. However, when a closer look at the background, the people around them, their hands toward the waist, will realize that they are the stars whose beauty we admire really surreal tiny.

SARA PARKER - Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Sara Parker whose role Keri became a fashion icon when it comes to style , role model for many women in dresses that reveal the shoulders and arms look too tough to make general could be no talk of feminine figure .

The public has long been speculation about the extreme training and child actress who resort to in order to remain slim, but in an interview People magazine she claimed she likes to eat, you cannot suppress the urge to eat and literally everything.

Whether this may be true, judge for yourself.

Angelina Jolie

More 2007th were rumors that Angelina has gone too far with the loss of the weights, and that her slender body becomes scary .

After the media noise , the actress herself has decided to make a statement , telling reporters that the loss of her mother cause weight loss , not eating disorder as speculation. Who is Kyle Leon?

She asked that the public understands and accepts the fact that passing through a difficult period.

However , it seems that the actress and the most famous mom in the world just is not going well in life , because her weight has fallen along with several periodic changes , however, remained close to the minimum.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Before and after exercise are recommended snacks

You may not practice when you are hungry or too full, the advice is to give you any trainer or nutritionist. In fact, if you eat a big meal before you exercise, you'll probably feel sick, dizzy, you'll run out of breath, the greater the likelihood that you'll get muscle cramps. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

This reaction in the body will cause a lack of blood to the muscles and other parts of the body, it will just go away a lot of blood in the digestive system, which will mean less energy muscle. On the other hand, skipping a meal before exercise is not recommended, because the shortage of sugar in the body can cause a lack of energy and fatigue.

Therefore, meals, before and after exercise is necessary to control it!

Before and after exercise are recommended snacks, which will allow better training and greater consumption of fat stock. Eating before and after exercise if you eat a high protein and fat meals, you must wait at least four hours before exercise. But if you eat snacks, digestion is required only two hours.

It is best if you eat before intense exercise carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, pasta, fruits and vegetables. This does not mean that you should avoid protein and fat meals, but you cannot go overboard with them. If you do not have enough time to eat a meal and the body absorbs it, then at least two hours, it is best that you do not eat, but rather take fruit juice or devices that fill you up and give you the power to exercise.

Eating after exercise is also very important. Your muscles need the strength to recover after exercise. Light meal or two hours after exercise are perfect. It is best to take food with protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. For example, make a sandwich of chicken or turkey. ... What to eat? Introduction to Kyle Leon

Thus, the goal is that during training you have enough energy, but due to too much or too strong dishes do not have problems. Proper diet, your body will have the power to exercise, and you spend the excess fat in the body, it is ultimately your goal. Here are a few ideas you can eat before exercise:

How to lose weight star mom

How to lose weight star mom - Neither pregnancy is not without consequences for female beauty: the shape, skin, hair, teeth - nature takes its mercilessly and if an ordinary woman returned to his former form can last for years, then every extra kilo star mothers - at gunpoint society, lose weight and return to the red carpet falls very quickly. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Each parous famous woman has their secrets on this account. Reporter asked two star moms Kazakhstan as many pounds they gained after childbirth and how quickly they were able to say goodbye to them.

The most famous designer of Kazakhstan has three children. Two daughters and a son, the youngest child - 9 years, during their last pregnancy gained over thirty pounds, and nursed the child, firmly decided for you - the family is formed, it is time to do them. For two weeks she took off 12 pounds in two months in total 32 kilograms.

"I had to look on TV, in front of people in the respective form. And after the third child, I gained quite a lot of weight, had severe swelling and e size I was big. Who is Kyle Leon?

I set a goal - to throw too much in a short time. After 6-7 months, when the child is naturally refused to breastfeed, I actively began to grow thin. Thanks to my work, which I somehow stimulated by it".

Cleansing the face with mask

Gel for the face - During the day, the pores of the skin become clogged with makeup and tiny particles of dust, which can cause premature aging and the appearance of inflammatory processes in it. Therefore it is very important to use the gel for daily cleansing. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Scrub - Skin cells are constantly being updated, and if they are not removed, it is already dead pile up on the surface. As a result, the skin lacks oxygen, it slows down the metabolism, and eventually it acquires a grayish hue.

Of course, we washed off during washing flakes - but this is not enough. To get rid of dead skin cells twice a week, use a scrub.

Mask - Masks not only help clean the face, but also smoothes the skin, give it all the necessary nutrients and protect during the day. Thanks masks improves skin tone, she looks fresh and relaxed. Pamper your face mask twice a week.

The essence and principles of nutrition for cellulite removal - Cellulite is the problem and the reason many women complexes. Skinny and full, very young and aged - due to sedentary lifestyle and bad environment, almost every one of us is faced with this nuisance. Introduction to Kyle Leon

To cellulite disappeared and did not reappear, remember this triangle of health: cellulite diet - massage - sports load. Today we tell you about the nature of the anti-cellulite diet.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Sneaky signals all of our basic assumptions are wrong

Sneaky signals all of our basic assumptions are wrong

In the decades that followed, we were more and more about unconscious to know this. Experiment after experiment showed that people actually never make choices that are based purely on rational, conscious considerations. The unconscious is always there. Become A Muscle Builder

Even at the smallest decisions. Like choosing a bottle of wine. In English supermarket researchers put four French and four German wines as expensive and as the shelves were dry.

One day German music was played. Upon the shelf The other day French music. On the days that French music was playing, the French wines sold better (77 percent of the wine sold was of French origin). On the day that German music played, went to the German wines like hot cakes (73 percent of the wine sold was German).

And not only in the case of wine, we are driven by the unconscious. "When we choose a laptop or a detergent, planning for a vacation, choose an share, take a job, assessing an athlete, be friends with someone, an unknown judge and even when we are in love, we believe that the main factors affecting we know are affected. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Nothing is less true in many cases. Consequently, many of our most basic assumptions about ourselves and society wrong, "writes theoretical physicist Leonard Molino and screenwriter in the book" Sneaky signals. You will be affected and you do not know it."

Red dress makes you a better negotiator

Red dress makes you a better negotiator

Research by Daphne Henchman of Tilburg University shows that people who are wearing red clothes, do much better during a negotiation than people who wear white clothing for example Regardless of whether the person in the red was now provider or the recipient, he or she dragged there is always a better deal than the people who were dressed in white. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Henchman gathered 48 men and 48 women. Men are known to be better negotiators generally. Because it could not influence the investigation Henchman left the men with the men and women negotiate with the women. That went in pairs: one was wearing a white t-shirt and the other had a red t-shirt.


The subjects negotiated the purchase and sale of coffee. It soon turned out that the people in the red that did much better than those in white.

Regardless of whether they are a buyer or seller had now: people in red ditches better deals than men in white. The people in white even proved more or less to the people issues in red: they adjusted their opening more to the red negotiators than the other-way. Who is Kyle Leon?


... women also fall faster for men in red ?

Processed these images in a global


... Recent studies have revealed that we are on a billboard really seeing sexy women as objects?

Local versus global - Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

People with pictures of men faced, processed these images in a global way: they saw the man as a whole But when they saw a woman that changed. They processed information that 'local': images of women were treated in the same way as images of objects.

"Local processing underlies the way we think of objects: houses, cars and so on," says researcher Sarah Greaves. "But global processing should ensure that we do not do that when it comes to people." Remarkably fails that when it comes to women.


The study explains a lot. "We always hear that women are reduced to their sexual body parts," says researcher Sarah Greaves.

"This research goes one step further and shows that this perception also applies to the everyday woman. The (photographed) people in the study were commonplace.

Ordinary men and women. The fact that people are looking at ordinary men and women and are the body parts of the women remember better than their whole bodies, is very interesting. Introduction to Kyle Leon

"Interestingly enough not only see men and women as a package body. Women also look that way at other women. "That may be related to different motives. Men do it because they are interested in a potential sexual partner, while women do to compare. "With the other woman

Friday 13 December 2013

Mood client

Meet good education - Do not hesitate to ask directly about this, because medical education, well-known and well-established massages courses - these are not empty words. The man working the muscles of other people must be thoroughly possessing information about the mechanisms of their work and the interaction with the internal organs. Become A Muscle Builder

Improving professional skills - No matter how high the level of skill, a specialist should strive to develop, learn new techniques, attend trainings, and participate in professional competitions.

Diplomas and awards on the wall cabinet, a book on contemporary trends massage on the desktop, rich experience and a wide circle of friends in the medical field - all these are signs that this person is not in place in professional terms. And if he does not recommend one your friend is an extra plus.

Mood client - This item is in common with the first paragraph. Massage therapist should be able to distinguish between girls who do not mind to get hold of his face and another psychologist, from those who come to relax and be quiet. You know, not everyone is comfortable talking, lying face down on the floor. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Ways to burn calories without leaving your computer - If a large part of the day does you spend on the computer, then after work it is necessary to engage in fitness.

Good mood and positive emotions meet hormones of joy

To moisturize the skin, use natural oils (olive, sesame, and almond). As for the aromatic oils, the opinions of experts about their use for pregnant women differ, so better to be safe aromatherapy and postpone for later. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Amounts due for dry skin should include components such as linden, succession, chamomile, aloe and ginkgo. It is very useful in cosmetics presence vitamins. The exception is vitamin A, which is not recommended for use during pregnancy, even in cosmetics.

Autumn blues - Pregnant simply must always in a good mood. This is one of the basic rules. After all, the mood of the expectant mother has a big effect on her baby.

Autumn pregnant often visited causeless sadness, tearfulness appears. It happens that sometimes you need to balance your emotional state. In this case, a little grieve. But it is better to prevent signs of autumn melancholy.

Good mood and positive emotions meet hormones of joy. Chief among them are considered serotonin and endorphins. Restock first; you can use dark chocolate, banana, pumpkin, dates.

Contribute to the development of the second walking, sex, listening to your favorite music, crossword puzzles and laughing. As you can see, all the facilities are readily available. Who is Kyle Leon?

Enjoy your pregnancy and let the time of year does not affect your health! How to become a happy person? How to be always in a good mood? Turns out, it is a snap.

The level of hormones

Anomalies of the uterus - in some cases, women with the "two-horned" queens become happy mothers of twins;

The level of hormones - hormone therapy use under strict medical supervision also contributes to the appearance of twins; Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

The age of the expectant mother - in the later reproductive age (35 years), the probability of getting pregnant with twins increases;

Breastfeeding - a period in the life of a young mother also helps to become pregnant with twins, since lactation directly affects ovulation;

Season - noted that in the spring and summer, thanks to the active hormone production, women are more likely to get pregnant with twins;

Fertile therapy - in vitro fertilization in a woman's uterus is placed several fertilized eggs that can safely develop throughout pregnancy, and as a result of a happy mother bears no longer a child.

Food - According to doctors, the protein contributes to the development of female hormones, and therefore tries to include in your diet foods contain sufficient protein: meat, poultry, fish and seafood, milk and milk products, cheese, and fruit juices. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Special attention is given yams - sweet potatoes. In its structure contains a substance which is close to the female hormone. It has been observed that the peoples in the diet includes sweet potatoes, the birth of twins are more frequent.