Saturday 14 December 2013

Sneaky signals all of our basic assumptions are wrong

Sneaky signals all of our basic assumptions are wrong

In the decades that followed, we were more and more about unconscious to know this. Experiment after experiment showed that people actually never make choices that are based purely on rational, conscious considerations. The unconscious is always there. Become A Muscle Builder

Even at the smallest decisions. Like choosing a bottle of wine. In English supermarket researchers put four French and four German wines as expensive and as the shelves were dry.

One day German music was played. Upon the shelf The other day French music. On the days that French music was playing, the French wines sold better (77 percent of the wine sold was of French origin). On the day that German music played, went to the German wines like hot cakes (73 percent of the wine sold was German).

And not only in the case of wine, we are driven by the unconscious. "When we choose a laptop or a detergent, planning for a vacation, choose an share, take a job, assessing an athlete, be friends with someone, an unknown judge and even when we are in love, we believe that the main factors affecting we know are affected. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Nothing is less true in many cases. Consequently, many of our most basic assumptions about ourselves and society wrong, "writes theoretical physicist Leonard Molino and screenwriter in the book" Sneaky signals. You will be affected and you do not know it."

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