Saturday 14 December 2013

Processed these images in a global


... Recent studies have revealed that we are on a billboard really seeing sexy women as objects?

Local versus global - Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

People with pictures of men faced, processed these images in a global way: they saw the man as a whole But when they saw a woman that changed. They processed information that 'local': images of women were treated in the same way as images of objects.

"Local processing underlies the way we think of objects: houses, cars and so on," says researcher Sarah Greaves. "But global processing should ensure that we do not do that when it comes to people." Remarkably fails that when it comes to women.


The study explains a lot. "We always hear that women are reduced to their sexual body parts," says researcher Sarah Greaves.

"This research goes one step further and shows that this perception also applies to the everyday woman. The (photographed) people in the study were commonplace.

Ordinary men and women. The fact that people are looking at ordinary men and women and are the body parts of the women remember better than their whole bodies, is very interesting. Introduction to Kyle Leon

"Interestingly enough not only see men and women as a package body. Women also look that way at other women. "That may be related to different motives. Men do it because they are interested in a potential sexual partner, while women do to compare. "With the other woman

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