Sunday 15 December 2013

Cleansing the face with mask

Gel for the face - During the day, the pores of the skin become clogged with makeup and tiny particles of dust, which can cause premature aging and the appearance of inflammatory processes in it. Therefore it is very important to use the gel for daily cleansing. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Scrub - Skin cells are constantly being updated, and if they are not removed, it is already dead pile up on the surface. As a result, the skin lacks oxygen, it slows down the metabolism, and eventually it acquires a grayish hue.

Of course, we washed off during washing flakes - but this is not enough. To get rid of dead skin cells twice a week, use a scrub.

Mask - Masks not only help clean the face, but also smoothes the skin, give it all the necessary nutrients and protect during the day. Thanks masks improves skin tone, she looks fresh and relaxed. Pamper your face mask twice a week.

The essence and principles of nutrition for cellulite removal - Cellulite is the problem and the reason many women complexes. Skinny and full, very young and aged - due to sedentary lifestyle and bad environment, almost every one of us is faced with this nuisance. Introduction to Kyle Leon

To cellulite disappeared and did not reappear, remember this triangle of health: cellulite diet - massage - sports load. Today we tell you about the nature of the anti-cellulite diet.

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