Friday 13 December 2013

The level of hormones

Anomalies of the uterus - in some cases, women with the "two-horned" queens become happy mothers of twins;

The level of hormones - hormone therapy use under strict medical supervision also contributes to the appearance of twins; Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

The age of the expectant mother - in the later reproductive age (35 years), the probability of getting pregnant with twins increases;

Breastfeeding - a period in the life of a young mother also helps to become pregnant with twins, since lactation directly affects ovulation;

Season - noted that in the spring and summer, thanks to the active hormone production, women are more likely to get pregnant with twins;

Fertile therapy - in vitro fertilization in a woman's uterus is placed several fertilized eggs that can safely develop throughout pregnancy, and as a result of a happy mother bears no longer a child.

Food - According to doctors, the protein contributes to the development of female hormones, and therefore tries to include in your diet foods contain sufficient protein: meat, poultry, fish and seafood, milk and milk products, cheese, and fruit juices. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Special attention is given yams - sweet potatoes. In its structure contains a substance which is close to the female hormone. It has been observed that the peoples in the diet includes sweet potatoes, the birth of twins are more frequent.

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