Sunday 17 November 2013

Customized Fat Loss Program By Kyle Leon - vinegar proves to be really good

However, vinegar proves to be really good because only if you are sure that it contains the necessary nutrients and vitamins that will ensure all these benefits. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

No, you're not going to encourage you to sculpt in a strenuous effort to bring out the character of dreams bars and danced into the morning light. We are talking about a man healthy natural way of effective calorie burning and body shaping while dancing as a sport. Not only will bring positive results, but will also lead you to the fun and exhilaration satisfactory feeling of good work. You will be refreshed, smiled and full of energy.

Why dance?

You do not exactly abound talented ballerina, dance as such constitutes one of the most natural forms of physical activity. Dance creations, no matter how difficult you may seem, are essentially an expression of emotions human beings. Just graceful body movements can be a very simple way to signal sadness, joy, or concern.

This is so since ancient times, when dance was the only opportunity for respite from everyday worries foraging, fighting for survival, or coherence of a certain tribe. With time, its functions gradually until his current company even promoted the efficient sports activities. Become A Muscle Builder

Excess pounds - The good news is that regular dance smuggling activities resulting in efficient molding of character. Dance is in fact one of the most valuable properties, after which almost every woman weight loss basis.

Kyle Leon Review – Calf muscle building

In addition to muscle building make the use of the calf muscles as well. Flexion in the prone position perfectly shapes and makes more visible the back of the thighs, hamstrings detailing.

This exercise is as follows:

•    Conveniently situated on the bench for leg curls. Your knees should just get out of the edge of the bench. The back of the ankle brought under the rollers. Secure the arm holding the handle / Territory bench. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

•    On the inhale pull rolls over, starting to bend your knees.

•    At the top of the rollers should almost touch the thighs. At this point you need further strain the hamstrings.

•    On the exhale, begin to slowly straighten legs, returning them to their original position, without stopping to start the exercise again.

•    You cannot make any sudden movements, jerks, this can lead to injury.

•    Bending of legs in the supine position is made three - four approaches an average of 12 repetitions of each.

Another isolation exercise for the study of the hamstrings is to bend the legs while sitting. This exercise is particularly effective for thickening the inner side of the lower thigh. The rear thigh muscles become more detailed, balanced. Who is Kyle Leon?

In the simulator to bend the legs should be positioned so that the knees a few crawled over the edge of the seat. The rear surface of the ankle should rest on the rollers. The knees are slightly bent or fully extended this starting position.

Kyle Leon Review – Leg extension approach

The next exercise, isolated worked through the front of the thigh, leg extension is called in the simulator. This exercise is very effective in drawing the frontal and lateral thigh muscles. Rectus becomes convex, a distinct form. Quadriceps as a whole becomes more prominent, detailed. Who is Kyle Leon?

Leg extension approach can be done as follows:

•    Stay in the Leg. For this exercise, it might work bench. Bring the leg under the rollers. The legs should be bent at a right angle. If the machine is equipped with a back, you need to snuggle up close to her. Hands necessarily fix on special handles or edges on the bench.

•    Exercise starts inhaling. Slightly lift the lower leg, lifting weight with the support. Then, straining his quadriceps, fully straighten the leg. Exhale.

•    Pausing for a moment, slowly begin to bend his legs, returning them to their original position doing this on a breath.

•    Without further delay to start the exercise again.

•    Performing an exercise, you need to make sure that your feet are parallel to each other. The movement should be carried out only in the knee joint. Hips, torso, back necessarily remain fixed until the end of the approach.

•    Leg Extension performed in three - four approaches the average 13 repeats each. 100% Money Back Guarantee

For an isolated study of posterior thigh muscles are used while lying leg curl. This exercise makes the bottom of the back of the thigh thicker, heavier, and equally effective in impacting the outer and inner side of this part of the muscle.

Kyle Leon Review – Romanian muscle building approach

Technique of the Romanian traction:

•    Stand in front of the bar, feet slightly narrower shoulders. Take hold of the bar (on top of the grip), hands shoulder width apart or slightly narrower. The back should be straight, with a slight deflection in the lower back, shoulders back. The chin should be parallel to the floor, his head looking forward. The legs are straight. This starting position. Become A Muscle Builder

•    No sudden movements on inspiration tilt the body forward, gradually diverting the pelvis back. Maintain a small deflection in the lower back, back in any case not round. During the execution of the repeat motion of the bar must pass along the surface of the legs, almost touching the shins, knees, hips.

•    The slope of producing up until the moment when the body does not become parallel to the floor. Grief at the lowest point is at the mid-shin.

•    Next, begin to unbend. Gently straighten your back, pulling the buttocks, hips and returning the body to its original position.

•    Breathing Technique: inspiratory begin to bend, exhale exercise during extension after overcoming the most difficult area.

•    Make sure that the run-time repeat bar "slides" on the surface of the legs. Otherwise, it will be another exercise, known as the straight legs to stand on. Also make sure that the head did not fall, and looked ahead. The back should be straight and preserve the natural sag in the back. Introduction to Kyle Leon

•    Exercise is carried out in a three - four approaches from 8 to 12 repetitions each.

Kyle Leon Review - Technique of the glutes and back muscle

Technique of the glutes and back muscle exercises are as follows:-

•    Stand in front of the platform at a distance of 30 cm, holding dumbbells in your hands. Put your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Introduction to Kyle Leon

•    Shift the center of gravity of the left leg and right foot to step onto the platform. The right foot is called working.

•    Stretch the muscles of the thigh right leg. The right foot is on the platform intently during the entire exercise. Push off the left foot off the floor and straighten your right leg, climbing onto the platform, left foot to put to right.

•    The right foot is on the platform. Left foot step back, on the floor, legs returning to the starting position ends with one repetition.

•    First perform the required number of repetitions for the right foot, and then - to the left.

•    This exercise is carried out in three - four approaches to the average of 13 repetitions for each leg. 100% Money Back Guarantee

The following exercise will be used to elaborate the back of the thigh muscles. This Romanian deadlifts, or Romanian lifting. This exercise is necessary for building up the mass of the back of the thigh muscles, in particular - the buttocks, upper and middle part of the hamstring, as well as the separation of the gluteal muscle and hamstring. This basic exercise is necessary for all athletes who wish to obtain the harmonious development of the leg muscles.

Kyle Leon Review - Performance of leg presses

Performance of leg presses can be done with the following techniques:

•    Settle into the simulator for the leg press, feet to rest in the platform, placing your feet about shoulder width apart. Socks must be diluted in a little hand. Exercise the need to ensure that the foot is fully in contact with the platform, did not come off. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

•    Also, it is important to ensure that the buttocks and back were fixed on the back. It is very important to remember that technically correctly and safely perform the exercise. Remove the clips platform and straighten the legs, squeezed up the platform. This is the starting position.

•    Without jerking, slowly bend your rod to 90 degrees, lowering the platform.

•    Stretch the muscles of the hips and squeeze the platform back up.

•    Breathing Technique: inspiratory bend his legs with a platform to exhale after overcoming the most difficult area in extension legs.

•    Exercise leg press is a three - four approaches of 8 to 12 repetitions in each set. Become A Muscle Builder

The following exercise is recommended for use only with a certain experience in bodybuilding. This exercise is very effective in the fight for an increase in femoral muscles. It allows you to clearly separate the fiber quads, glutes and back muscles of the thighs together. This exercise will require dumbbells and platform up to the knees.

Customized Fat Loss Program By Kyle Leon - The truth about weight loss

Pisces - The weakness of this sign are pasta, which should rather be eating wholegrain form. Eat regularly and do not let them catch up to the stress or sadness refrigerator. Become A Muscle Builder

Improvements brand team helps them move, which you know to find a positive relationship. As regards food, the plate should be increased and more like iron, namely red meat, legumes and leafy vegetables.

The truth about weight loss - When it comes to dropping pounds, everyone would prefer if they get rid of them from evening to morning. This idea is, of course, unrealistic (i.e., if you are not going under the knife plastic surgeon), but nevertheless true, that the pounds we would like to get rid of as quickly as possible but what really with rapid weight loss.

Up gradually, gradually coming - Weight can change the number fairly quickly, but as has been said many times, our bodies do not tilted. We did also gradually, as we expect long-term losing weight will be somewhat faster?

It is a gradual process in which we burn fat, and those things are the most durable of all. Therefore, losing weight fast does not necessarily mean getting rid of the fat, but something quite different. Who is Kyle Leon?

When drastic diets that some manage, we lose a few days and three - four pounds. But what is really getting rid of, so it is mostly water and then it can also be found with matter.

Customized Fat Loss Program By Kyle Leon – Weight loss myths for stars

Scorpio - The stars indicate the risk for gang stomach, so you should ensure its proper functioning. Enough fiber, seeds and probiotic cultures in dairy products is essential, therefore, add to the diet. Try as much as possible to relieve the amount of sugar and also empty energy received from alcohol although tasty but calorie. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Sagittarius - Although the shooter is not very interested in whether or not gained, extra kilos stuck to him also. According to astrology could help citrus fruits, which are suitable for diet days, but every single morning is appropriate to bring water with lemon juice. Hectic moments you should not sweet moves, but as fruit and weight loss go easier now.

Capricorn - This is a sign that the stars under the minimum conditions for gain, but for all the practical nature of Capricorn. Everything has its own logic, space and time, and so it is with food. Regular diet, well balanced and no unnecessary eating is the best way to slim figure. Is very important for them protein diet that promotes a healthy skeleton. 100% Money Back Guarantee

Aquarius - If you need to shed some pounds, eating out for the evening. Most energy you should gather before lunch, but that does not mean eating without restrictions. Your advantage is that you have a penchant for exotic tastes, what your kitchen. But watch out for too much salt.

Customized Fat Loss Program By Kyle Leon - Weight loss plan as according to the stars

Cancer - The biggest problem crayfish is that stress, tension and sadness drives away food, what pulls them all my life. Since they tend to weight, the diet must be very careful, and also because they have a slower metabolism, suitable smaller portions of food, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and lean meats. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Leo - Hedonistic like a lion affords, but given the line and also health should limit fatty, smoked flavor and distinctive dishes. These people are characterized by a sense of purpose and shall be paid in maintaining the character. Beware of drastic diets that lions can succumb, but not the right solution.

Virgo - Although a perfectionist, not always eat what their body requires. Mild digestive problems cannot be overstated, but as deploy more fiber to the diet. This can change a lot, even in maintaining lines. The movement of the virgins loses weight more easily, and if you tend to exercise on a regular basis, weight problems have not. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Libra - This sign is often subject to their tastes, what pays character. Breakfast is rich, sweet snack, lunch and too much space is there lunch dinner number two. Be of any decrease and after a bit more mindful of fruits and vegetables, which are often missing on the plate. Also keep in mind the drinks, which also pay for tab.

Customized Fat Loss Program By Kyle Leon – Weight loss plan as according to the zodiac signs

Customized Fat Loss Plan according to the sign - Would you say the stars?

Astrology is for many an arrow which direction in life and moves in, inter alia reveals also how we should eat. So if you believe the words of stars, set by them and their diet. Of course, if you want to lose weight. Become A Muscle Builder

Aries - people born under the sign of the ram should pay the greatest attention, a regular diet? The active nature tempts to skipping meals and subsequently consumed calorie bombs at his repulse, but this way pound match. Stars advise eating more fresh things, more protein and less spicy things.

Taurus - Since the bull is a man longing for security, not only the emotional, it is possible that you will indulge more than is appropriate. Attention therefore the eating and of too much sweetness to the character reflected. Suitable time to time reliever days, the overall diet more easily observe the food. Without movement, however, will not, so make sure to instructor mode. 100% Money Back Guarantee

Gemini - Although the stars whisper that they loses weight a little easier than others the signs, there is no need to rely on it. Even action Gemini forgets to regular meals, so you watch clearances food better. When diet is best vegetables you easily replace the Annex for a pound will go down.

Customized Fat Loss Program By Kyle Leon - the proper functioning of nerves and muscles

Customized Fat Loss Review - For a week I was slimmer, but exhausted by constant diarrhea. My skin looked shockingly, almost translucent, and new rash with them, although I never had a problem. More like falling hair and digested like nails. At the ball to several people asked me if I was not sick. Since then I have not tried anything like this, nor never will! "

Barbarin story is basically summed up for us. Deterioration hairstyle is a result of nutritional deficiency, which necessarily occurs when you hold one of drastic dietary plans. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

The body lacks vitamin B12, and essential minerals such as potassium, sodium and iron dangerously low levels of sodium and potassium in the body leads to “messy” electrolytes, which are responsible for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. Therefore, it may in extreme cases diet to induce a heart attack.

Because of all the vital organs need to do their work and sugars, if they do not, they begin to draw on the muscles and tissues. Undernourished is the brain, resulting to difficulty concentrating, increased irritability and depressed mood. With a little exaggeration speaking - with diet ladies is really no "fun"! Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

To further damage the body occurs due to yo-yo effect. The more diets undergo, the more the body wears out. Slim may eventually you will, but the natural beauty is dissolved and to your kilos.

Customized Fat Loss Program By Kyle Leon - Extreme diets are called the "shock"

Reach a state of absolute peace and quiet, which will become increasingly more resistant to stress factors. And only you can calm the body ultimately lead them to a healthy thinness. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Extreme diets are you the floor - Fried eggs cotton swabs or intestinal parasites. Just two examples of what people are able to voluntarily swallow that jointed into tighter clothes. There are hundreds of extreme diets. Are you at that floor?

The risk is much greater when you move in, where appearance is sold. According to statistics, most eating disorders are among dancers (especially ballet dancers), and gymnast, athlete, and figure skater and, of course, in the modeling industry not to mention the showbiz, where years of ongoing internal competition for inventing smaller size clothes.

What is it extreme? Extreme diets are called the "shock", which is very typical - if you're going to head against a wall, or in this case, against your body. The aim is to lose weight in the shortest time possible; therefore funds are not very fussy. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Shifting diet is strict deletion of calories in the daily diet, sometimes as much as half. New eating plan consists of a very small group of food and is complemented by diuretic teas or pills promote weight loss but you do not really look good. 23-year-old Barbara wrote to us his experience: "I needed to lose weight before the balls and so I bought pu-erh pills with plant extracts, which should speed up the metabolism.

Customized Fat Loss Program By Kyle Leon – How to burn the high number of calories

Due to the high number of calories burned is an excellent remedy for weight loss, even more so than popular running. And since there is also a much less painful activity, there is no reason to hesitate further. Become A Muscle Builder

Shape seductive shapes - Burning calories is not the only positive qualities that this rhythmic activity may boast. It is through the dance because you can gradually work towards dreamed curves. Excess disappear, but femininity is maintained. Finally, convince us that the sinful perfect bodies of many professional dancers.

From a technical point of view to the endurance training to practice complete muscles throughout the body, the balanced forms of movement therefore definitely have cared. Involve not only the muscles of the legs and torso, the stronger we will be your arm. In addition, you will learn proper posture, as well as the coordination of movements. We guarantee that outside dance floor to learn to move your body in a comfortable rhythm. Who is Kyle Leon?

Ground restlessness - Not only due to a significant strengthening of back and pelvic area, the effects of dance can be compared even to yoga. This will help the mentally as well as physically. You will learn to effectively control and perceived except your body and mind. Strong concentration and deep shall see to it that all your current problems at least for the time to sink into oblivion.

Friday 15 November 2013

Stay out of the smoke!

You know them because they come daily in the news. (Elder) people who live independently, but for example some difficulty walking, are less able to hear or slower than the fast youth of today. You know them, these seniors.

But your parents, grandparents or neighbors and they come daily in the news. Because they are victims daily in one of the 15 house fires raging in the Netherlands. Over 65 usually run three as likely to die. At a house fire. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

"Stay out of the smoke!" is the credo of the Fire Prevention Weeks this year. And it is mainly for our elderly neighbor. Because the shocking fact is that half of all fire deaths over 65 years. And given the aging population and the trend that people stay longer live independently, it is expected that this share is increasing.

Therefore save the Fire and Burn Foundation joined hands and they knots throughout October to everyone between ears how to live. Fireproof how is the Netherlands? Dutch still do not realize how dangerous enough and fast fire. 50% have no flight plan agreed, 41% have (sometimes) no free escape route and 31% would choose.

Across the smoke flights instead of a smoke escape in case of fire The latter is worrisome because the released toxic gases in a house fire makes more victims than the flames is commonplace when people are saved. From a fire and about 40 people die each year because of this

Brand is news every day it does not matter what day it is, it's every day touch. Type the word 'fire' at Google News and the reports of fires in the country come towards you.

Thus we read last week about a fire after the gourmet in a dorm, yesterday about a house fire where an elderly lady tragically was killed and today about a fire in Rotterdam which had to be. 20 people evacuated People to pick the mind that it is very wise to fire to life, is so badly needed. Brand is faster than the fire has only three minutes to spend. Introduction to Kyle Leon

You on fire safety that is very little.

Especially when you're a little slower with flights therefore it is advisable to make a prior flight. Then you are well prepared for fire would do well to elderly people living independently example, the phone number of their neighbors to program as a favorite.

Treatments with low disease burden

To keep the cost of care in the hand in the coalition agreed that an amount of 1.2 billion treatments with low disease burden of the insured package should disappear.

In February 2013 Minister Shippers in the program care providers and citizens called to think what treatments from the package could. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Until September 1, people could submit their ideas.

There are nearly 4,000 responses received. 20% of these reactions (807 reports) had actually covers the insured package. Cuts filling different from the responses and consult with field parties indicated that they would like to see than the previously announced austerity cuts in the insured package filled otherwise of the package.

This is in line with the commitments made since the care agreement of July. It follows that the insured package remains extent possible, but doctors will keep an eye on what is and is not medically necessary. In addition, the statements from the coalition Rutty I continue to get under 'stringent package management' to 300 million from the package exist.

Reporting of responses, stakeholders and citizens have suggestions on the premises of the insured package. Most of the suggestions are about care surrounding pregnancy, alternative medicine and prevention. Below is a link to the analysis of the incoming messages. The analysis gives a clear picture of the themes which most reports have been received. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

What happens to the reports and suggestions, the insured package will be included in other sections. The messages that are not directly see So there were many reports of waste.

Treatment of trauma patients with life-threatening blood loss

Treatment of trauma patients with life-threatening blood loss

Victims of a major accident are at risk of dying by exsanguinations. The thesis of Leo Gerard’s at VU University Medical Center shows that a good preparation, training and teamwork within the trauma chain is crucial. He also concludes that the administration of fluid and blood products can be improved. Who is Kyle Leon?

Bleeding is one of the most important preventable causes of death in trauma patients. A rapid and adequate treatment of life-threatening blood loss is therefore vital. In this thesis, life-threatening blood loss as a disease analyzed that occurs outside the hospital, at the time of the accident, when the danger has passed, in the intensive care within the hospital.

Treatment consists of three main components: first stop the bleeding, second shock treatment by blood transfusions, and finally correcting certain dreaded clotting disorders that often accompany, through the timely administration of blood products and coagulation factors with this situation. Care for this complex patient will continue good preparation, training and teamwork should include.

Within and between the entire trauma chain also shows specific research in this thesis that the administration of fluids and blood products can be improved.

The investigation showed that inadequate clotting factors and platelets were administered. In this hectic situations Future research is pointing in the direction of optimizing transfusion strategy and specific treatment of the resulting coagulation disorders. Become A Muscle Builder

Early treatment options outside the hospital (on the street) by ambulance and mobile medical team will need to be further investigated. This could include the administration of blood products and coagulation factors, but also new methods to bleeding, temporarily or permanently, to stop en route to the hospital.

Health and safety during a fire

During a fire, you warn someone close and you can come rescue from the toxic smoke. Relive your own house fire: do the test on fire need to be prepared. Become A Muscle Builder

Because it can happen to anyone

Young or old, new or old Dutchman, Hank and Ingrid, King or Queen: for all is the chance of 1 in 1,000 that you experience a house fire once. Because that opportunity is so large, you should do three things. 1: fireproof (err) life. 2: a working smoke detector hanging. 3: know how to flee from fire.

An online test and tips on this, is on Thousands of volunteers are helping The 55,000 collectors of Burns Foundation share between 6 and 12 October tickets from a smoke detector which you can order at a discount. But it can be relied on all of the thousands of volunteers Smoke Team. During Fire Prevention Weeks This trained the Fire people place smoke detectors in homes who for some reason cannot correct. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Moreover, they also give practical fire safety tips. And of course put the fire everywhere in the country. They share the "what do you do with newspaper-newspaper" and special mini-magazine for seniors out, do (unexpected) home visits and provide information about fire prevention. Source: Dutch Burns Foundation.

The average life expectancy

65 years plus then you die. 3 times as likely to Live

You know them because they come daily in the news. (Elder) people who live independently, but for example some difficulty walking, are less able to hear or slower than the fast youth of today. You know them, these seniors.

But your parents, grandparents or neighbors and they come daily in the news. Because they are victims daily in one of the 15 house fires raging in the Netherlands. Over 65 usually run three as likely to die. At a house fire. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

"Stay out of the smoke!" is the credo of the Fire Prevention Weeks this year. And it is mainly for our elderly neighbor. Because the shocking fact is that half of all fire deaths over 65 years. And given the aging population and the trend that people stay longer live independently, it is expected that this share is increasing.

Therefore save the Fire and Burn Foundation joined hands and they knots throughout October to everyone between ears how to live. Fireproof how is the Netherlands? Dutch still do not realize how dangerous enough and fast fire. 50% have no flight plan agreed, 41% have (sometimes) no free escape route and 31% would choose.

Across the smoke flights instead of a smoke escape in case of fire The latter is worrisome because the released toxic gases in a house fire makes more victims than the flames is commonplace when people are saved. From a fire and about 40 people die each year because of this

Brand is news every day it does not matter what day it is, it's every day touch. Type the word 'fire' at Google News and the reports of fires in the country come towards you.

Thus we read last week about a fire after the gourmet in a dorm, yesterday about a house fire where an elderly lady tragically was killed and today about a fire in Rotterdam which had to be. 20 people evacuated People to pick the mind that it is very wise to fire to life, is so badly needed. Brand is faster than the fire has only three minutes to spend. 100% Money Back Guarantee

You on fire safety that is very little.

Especially when you're a little slower with flights therefore it is advisable to make a prior flight. Then you are well prepared for fire would do well to elderly people living independently example, the phone number of their neighbors to program as a favorite.

Developing anxiety problems

Furthermore, the parents and the children in the context of a follow-up measurement after two years asked to come there in the laboratory to carry out certain tasks.

At the Erasmus University the children were then exposed to a series of new situations. The behavior of the children during situations was recorded with an invisible camera and evaluated later. Were also teachers of the children approached, so we could compare. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Scores of parents and teachers on the BIQ-SF Results showed that can be used as a usable method for both immigrant and native children, the BIQ-SF seen to assess in young children.

Also found that children who scored high on stable, as measured by the SF-BIQ were more likely to develop anxiety problems.

In addition, it was clear that (stable) he best predictor of later anxiety problems and that the influence of this temperament characteristic is significantly greater than that of the contextual variable overprotective parenting. Source: Erasmus University Rotterdam

Also supports and advises the pharmaceutical consultant pharmacists, working with other health care professionals and supervises patients in their medication use. The pharmaceutical consultant works independently but under the final responsibility of the pharmacist.

Duties of a pharmaceutical consultant are therefore focused on drug and pharmaceutical patient care and education. Future Pharmaceutical Care Minister Shippers of Health, Welfare and Sport, expects the pharmacist and his / her pharmacy staff a major effort to come. 100% Money Back Guarantee

To a safer drug use the pharmaceutical consultant can make an important contribution by monitoring patients and to guide their medication use. Source: Optima Dharma and the Dutch Association of Pharmacy Employees in Hospitals.

Levels of stress and anxiety

Levels of stress and anxiety good predictor later anxiety problems

Already on preschool age children are in some visible signs of excessive anxiety. The BIQ-SF, a short and easy to take off questionnaire appears suitable for immigrant and native young children in the Dutch population with an increased risk of developing anxiety problems to detect. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

That concludes psychologist Leonie Reeked in her thesis' Early Screening of an Anxiety-prone Temperament in Young Dutch Children with a multi-ethnic Background. "

They promoted Friday, October 11, 2013 at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Anxiety problems are among the most common mental disorders in children. One of those signals is a pattern of conduct involving a child in unfamiliar and challenging situations obvious symptoms of anxiety and stress shows.

Leonie Reece studied in this thesis the quality and practicality of the BIQ-SF, a screening instrument to measure.

Sensitive screening tools that vulnerable young children can identify are very important, since preventive intervention can take place.

Questionnaire In the project "Early detection of anxiety problems in young native and immigrant children 'is a specific screening tool, Behavioral Inhibition Questionnaire-Short Form (BIQ -SF), developed with the risk of developing anxiety problems to detect.

Native and non-native Dutch children at a young age to reach the main population the instrument is available in Dutch, English, Arabic and list consists of 14 items (questions) about how the child deals with unfamiliar social situations, unknown non-social situations and physically challenging situations. Usability BIQ-SF Parents of 2.5 to 6 years old children of different ethnic backgrounds were asked to questionnaires about , anxiety and overprotective parenting three times to complete each time with twelve months in between. Introduction to Kyle Leon

To determine the severity of anxiety symptoms of the children's parents were also interviewed at the second assessment with a clinical interview anxiety, the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV. This interview can be diagnosed anxiety disorders.

Advices from pharmaceutically consultants

From October 1, 2013, pharmaceutically consultants enroll in a quality register.

This new quality registry was created by joint efforts of the Dutch Association of Pharmacy Employees in Hospitals and Optima Parma, professional association of pharmacists and pharmacy assistants, consultants and managers. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Inclusion in the quality register indicates that a pharmaceutical consultant has the right qualifications and provides quality care in accordance with the current standards.

The quality registry can be found on the website of the organization for Quality Registration and Accreditation in Healthcare Professionals (Transparent quality and expertise Health insurers, government, employers but also give patients and clients increasingly prefer quality registered professionals

Therefore, it is also a pharmaceutical consultant important to distinguish the unregistered practitioners

The quality registry makes the quality of pharmaceutical care consultants insightful. The NVFZ and Optima Parma call pharmacists to encourage people to enroll in the quality register and its re-registration process to follow.

The pharmaceutical consultants working in their pharmacy what quality is recorded? Inclusion in the quality register indicates that the pharmaceutical consultants qualified and a continuing training program follows. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

For patients, clients, insurers, employers, general information about the pharmaceutical consultant in quality registry to find Besides the quality register of pharmaceutical consultants provides the ability to track containing information about work experience a personal digital portfolio , and followed by refresher courses and other professional development activities.

Examples of professional development activities include drug and pharmaceutical patient care, supervising interns, research, peer consultation and the provision of training. Duties pharmaceutical consultant the pharmaceutical consultant is a college-trained healthcare professional and expert in the field of pharmaceutical care and drug and develops, implements and evaluates policies, projects and researches

Female mortality rate

Only in Iceland, Ireland and Denmark, the higher mortality

In Spain died proportionately the least number of people to breast cancer. Such European differences multiple factors play a role. There are differences in detection and treatment of breast cancer, but also in its occurrence. Some risk factors for getting breast cancer is greater in the Netherlands than in other European countries. Who is Kyle Leon?

In our country women at a relatively advanced age have their first child and give mothers compared to the rest of Europe little breastfeeding.

If the GP refers a patient for research has often within two to five days in an appointment at the Breast Clinic. The investigation of the abnormality in the breast is performed using the most modern techniques.

On the biopsy table can suspect tissue on the patient comfortable way to accurately punctured, sometimes a tissue biopsy using ultrasound or mammography are taken. During a puncture, patients on the same day the rash, at a tissue biopsy in up to two days; the new MRI scanner can determine whether an operation is possible. If it is necessary, it may be operated within two weeks. Become A Muscle Builder

During this process, patients are discussed within the multidisciplinary consultation with the medical oncologist and the radiation oncologist and supervised by the breast care nurses, with special attention to psychosocial aspects (using the 'Last Meter ") and return to work. Source: Sint Lucas Andreas Hospital.

More women die of breast cancer

In 2008, more women deceased from breast cancer than in 2007. For women aged 35 to 50 years this disease evens the most common cause of death. Netherlands is among the countries with the highest breast cancer mortality in Europe. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Largest increase in 60 - to 70-year-old women

In 2008 are deceased 3327 women in our country to breast cancer. That is 5 percent more than in 2007. The increase was greatest in the 60 - to 70-year olds. In this age there deceased 12 percent more women than breast cancer in 2007.

Nearly 5 percent of all deaths among women in 2008 due to breast cancer

Largest cause of death among 35 - to 50-year-old women in women aged 35 to 50 years, breast cancer is the most common cause of death. Of one in six women in this age group who are deceased, in 2008, breast cancer was the cause of death. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Among women aged 50 to 75 years, lung cancer is the most common cause of death, followed by breast cancer. From 75 year cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. In women under 30 years is hardly for breast cancer mortality. In 2008 there are 30 deceased men from this disease. Dutch high breast cancer mortality in Europe Our country is among the European countries with the highest (standardized) breast cancer mortality.

Breast cancer surgery

When breast cancer surgery should be sometimes maxillary nodes removed, nerve damage is inevitable. Women who are breast operated without maxillary lymph nodes are removed, have 23 percent chance of chronic pain. Introduction to Kyle Leon

If there are maxillary nodes removed, the chance is high as fifty percent. This difference may well be explained by pain due to nerve damage. But it also means that half of the women in whom breast cancer during surgery due to the maxillary lymph nodes were removed, no persistent pain experience. Nerve damage can therefore only a partial explanation for the chronic pain that develops after breast cancer surgery.

Other, partly unknown factors

Steelers indicate that more research must come to individual differences in pain treatment after surgery. Chronic pain after surgery chronic pain resulting from surgery is a major problem that affects many people.

Steelers is therefore of the opinion that anesthesiologists and surgeons jointly should be looking for opportunities to prevention.

This pain as well as possible They serve the risk of chronic pain prior to surgery with the patient to discuss and, in consultation with the patient, to take the decision whether or not to operate. It recommends that patients who keep pain after an operation, to thereby continue. To the doctor "Chronic pain is admittedly difficult to treat, but there are opportunities," said Steelers. 100% Money Back Guarantee

The personal approach, short waiting times, modern equipment, rapid diagnosis and specialized Mamma Team ensure that patients get the care and attention they need. Patients can move quickly if they are worried, because breast care nurses now 4 days outpatient available in the week, says Dr BC surgeon.

Chronic pain after breast augmentation

A quarter of the women who have breast augmentation to perform, observe these cosmetic surgery on chronic pain. The hurts the positive effect on the quality of life after breast augmentation destroyed. This is evident from doctoral research Monique Steelers as anesthesiologist / pain practitioner attached to the UMC St Redbud in Nijmegen. They promoted on 2 November. "Women who are considering breast augmentation, should be well wonder if they want to take the risk of chronic pain," says Steelers. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Monique Steger’s interviewed 265 women who have breast augmentation to perform. As many as a quarter of the respondents showed more than two years after surgery to experience. Pain of surgery

This pain resulted in a positive effect on the quality of life remained omitted for them. In the women without chronic pain, the quality of life after breast augmentation is increasing. The size of the implants had no influence on the development of chronic pain.

It is for the first time that research has been done on the development of persistent pain as a result of a breast enlargement operation. These operations occur almost exclusively in private clinics, which carry no scientific research.

Every year in the Netherlands about 3000 breast enlargement surgery instead

"It is important that physicians to women who are considering breast augmentation, give good information about the risk of chronic pain after surgery," says Steelers." Become A Muscle Builder

You must surely have to ask whether you about to have a cosmetic surgery." Breast Surgery The main objective of the PhD research of Steelers was broader: they wanted to examine the role of nerve damage in the development of chronic pain after surgery. They did not only study among women who have had breast augmentation (here, no nerve damage), but also among patients after heart or lung surgery and after surgery for breast cancer.

By new MRI results faster Breast Cancer Research

By new MRI results faster Breast Cancer Research

Recently, the Sent Lucas Andreas Hospital (Slab) a new second MRI, making the outcome of breast cancer research is more readily available. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

The waiting time for an MRI of the breasts of two weeks, has thus become obsolete, which recently acquired the label of 'pink ribbon' honor is done.

In early January received the Mom Team Slab the Breast Cancer Association Netherlands this pink ribbon because of the very good quality of breast cancer treatment. Pink ribbons are an initiative of the National Monitor Breast Care, funded by among others the Pink Ribbon Foundation.

This Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Association Netherlands Monitor gives patients insight into how breast cancer care in a hospital is organized, how other patients experience care and whether it meets the 18 quality of the Breast Cancer Society. In the monitor, the hospitals that meet these criteria marked with a ribbon. It can support the patient along with the doctor, to a hospital. Who is Kyle Leon?

An informed choice when visitors select the Sent Lucas Andreas Hospital, for example, they see that all necessary investigations are carried out on the first day there is the possibility for a immediate breast reconstruction, the waiting times are short and the presence of the right amenities including psychosocial support, very good scores. Mamma Pole Mama of Slab existed for over 10 years in the Netherlands.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Kyle Leon Review - Flexible Diet and Weight Loss

Breakfast - the most important meal of the day

As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water at breakfast and half a liter of warm unsweetened fruit juice or green tea. You can also enjoy a cup of coffee or black tea. Mandatory part of a healthy breakfast should also be a small bowl of fruit salad, or at least fresh apple, kiwi or two delicious peaches. Who is Kyle Leon?

In addition, you can also enjoy a whole grain bread with a thin spread in the form of margarine, jam or herb spread. Also, there will be nothing wrong if you surround your bread with a slice of salami and cheese. This can also add protein-bomb in the form of yogurt, cottage cheese, cereal flakes or a hard boiled egg. This will fill your stomach for at least 3 to 4 hours.


Lunch time for the holiday

According to nutrition experts, it should be our lunch most abundant and calorie meal of the day. Carbohydrates, proteins, a bit fat, fiber and nutrients - all of which should be taken in the middle of the day. Ideally, if you previously ate a small bowl of salad or soup. When preparing lunches give priority to light Asian or Mediterranean dishes at the same time do not forget to fluids: a large bottle of mineral water at lunch should be the rule. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Dinner should be light and colorful

The last meal of the day should be kept to light. It is best to eat last at least three hours before bedtime, but nothing is wrong with dinner sometimes just skip. It can easily be replaced with an additional cup of green tea and then head for a short walk. Namely, many only eat out of habit and not because they were really hungry.

Kyle Leon Review - Eat more and weigh less

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  Water

In principle, most had almost one food that has a low water content. On the contrary, it was all largely consisting of the vital liquid natural 'device' to lose weight. It is therefore extremely important that calorie foods diluted with water or foods that contain a lot of water. A good example of this is the potato: from it can be prepared very calorie fried potatoes or added to
soup, in which its energy is negligibly small. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Green Tea


Often greatly underestimate the positive effects they have on the health of fiber. The stomach is swollen and us so long to naturally maintain the site. In addition, they promote the digestion, anti-inflammatory, efficient and are expected to be even in the fight against cancer. That is why our menu should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, tea and water.

Food Pyramid - 100% Money Back Guarantee

If the food pyramid turned upside-down, get a scale against which to choose dishes to our menu. At the top of the water, of course, green tea and fruits and vegetables with high water content. Under these products are low-fat dairy products, legumes and whole grain foods, which can be emo until full. One floor below are the products that are known to be extremely important sources of protein: lean meats, fish and eggs. These foods should be enjoyed every day. Lowest on the food scale and the products are a rich source of calories and should be enjoyed only occasionally: vegetable oils, sausages, cheeses, dark chocolate, cocoa and fruit juices.

Kyle Leon Review - Megan Fox Belly

Megan Fox regularly carry out exercises for toning the abdominal muscles.

Exercise. Perform exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. On the loss of fat in the abdominal area, your tummy look even more crisp. After exercise your statutory dine with a high content of proteins, which help to regenerate muscles. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Simple carbohydrates. Avoid simple carbohydrates, which help fill you up for a short time. When eating simple carbohydrates, the level of sugar in the blood rises quickly, but then again falls rapidly, which makes we feel hungry again soon. For a flat stomach is to eat only salads. There are many suitable meals, which can be painful weight loss into a completely normal life. For lunch you can easily treat yourself to grilled steak or fish as an attachment and vegetables, rice or salad. Enjoy lots of vegetables. Vegetables not high in calories and contain a lot of fiber, which are important for metabolism.

Complex carbs. Include in your menu complex carbohydrates because carbohydrates the body desperately needs to function normally. They are found in fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates as grains, flakes, brown and black rice, wholemeal pasta, legumes, whole wheat bread and fiber, which gives you a feeling of fullness for longer and give you energy over time.

Eat breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. After a long sleep again, wake up your metabolism and trigger fat burning. All meals plan carefully and do not skip. In the store you go with a list of foods that you need this, you avoid buying unnecessary 'harmful' foods.

Log.    Write down what you eat in a day, while be honest towards themselves. Only if you carefully write down everything you eat, you will have a complete overview of all 'vices' and the only way you will know what you have to do to edit your eating habits. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Positive thoughts. positive thinking will help you in achieving the objective. Trust in yourself and diets begin with positive thoughts. I prefer to think in anything that you enjoy, and not just what we give you. Every so often (say once a week or every 10 days), treat yourself to a "day off" and enjoy vices, but do not overdo it. The next day, however, do not pronounce that you have a bad day - again to collect and resolutely go your way.

Kyle Leon Review - simple tips for a flat stomach

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  Many women believe that the easiest way to get a flat stomach if you do not eat, or if they eat very little. But the fact that we do not eat enough, or that releasing meals, your body does not do it any favors. Ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and tomatoes for three scoops of ice cream for dinner so not even remotely healthy way to create a flat stomach. As soon as you start eating normally again, to re-inflate the belly fat while loading even faster, since the body for fear of potential starvation diet imposed in the form of fat reserves. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Here are some guidelines in the light of which you can gradually shaped belly level:

Nutrition. majority of women feel that they have a flat stomach if you will not eat. This view is completely wrong. Belly if you do not eat, albeit level, but after the first meals inflate again. In order to have a flat stomach permanently, we must first learn to eat five to six small meals per day, meals should be deployed in about three hours.

Enjoy plenty of fluid.

Liquid. Drink plenty of water - at least two to three liters a day, but do not overdo it. The water can also be a time filled stomach and to avoid the desire for interim installments. Instead of water can also drink green tea, which should help to dissolve fat.

Fat. Pay attention to the fact that the weight loss in the body enter enough healthy omega 3 and 6 fats, which are found in fish, almonds, natural peanut butter, olive oil, hazelnuts ... Become A Muscle Builder

Carbohydrates and proteins.     Avoid carbonated and sugary drinks. Try to completely avoid entering additional sugars in the body in the form of fresh juices and cakes. To enter the body enough protein to help build muscle mass and help to regenerate muscles after training. A higher percentage of muscle mass means a lower percentage of body fat, muscle mass is a large consumer of energy, which means that by increasing the percentage of muscle mass also increases calorie consumption and weight loss is more effective.

Kyle Leon Review - Rather train yourself and burn fat as you lose with starvation

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  To lose fat, you need to make calorie deficit. This is the law of thermodynamics and energy balance. There are several ways to calorie deficit. One way to reduce food intake. The second is the increased consumption of calories during exercise.Of the two modes is increased exercise clearly better method. Who is Kyle Leon?

Greater calorie deficit leads to loss of muscle and "starvation response". Ironically, most people of the opposite. Reduce calorie intake as much as possible and do not train very little or nothing. This causes a loss of lean body mass and body to protect against "starvation" and slows metabolism.   

Maybe funny, but the best way to reduce fat is to eat more (keep lower calorie intake) and exercise to burn calories. You do not need to starve. You need to choose only the right foods into your life and incorporate exercise.Why do people opt for diets which starve if they can burns fat more effectively to exercise. You may believe that if they eat more and then train, to offset each other. Perhaps fleeing "distressing" exercise.   shall avoid aerobic exercise because they think they will lose muscle.   

However, on the contrary, aerobic exercise combined with weight training is the only way to make calorie deficit and burn fat without having to slow down the metabolism. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Here are the reasons why weight training is a better way to fat loss:

1       Exercise - aerobic and anaerobic (eg weights increases metabolism.)
2       Exercise makes a calorie deficit without the "starvation response".
3       Exercise is good for your health, diet bad for your health.

Kyle Leon Review - In diets with very low calories you will lose muscle

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  Highly undesirable effect of diets with a low calorie loss of muscle tissue. Once you incorporate a defense mechanism (the fasting), your body will do everything to save energy. Become A Muscle Builder

Muscle is metabolically active tissue. The body reduces energy by reducing the muscle tissue. This process is called "ang. Gluconeogenesis "- consumption of muscle tissue for glucose. This includes skeletal muscle, internal organs, even the heart muscle.

Studies of studies have shown that very low calorie diets cause weight loss, but of which 40-50% at the expense of muscle.
Many diets, especially those with very low calorie cause the loss of water in the body. Due to the loss of water and muscle glycogen, 75% of the whole weight loss is not fat. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Most of these diets just gives a virtual success. Even if you train, you overpower diet causes loss of muscle tissue in particular.

Kyle Leon Review - Low calorie diets reduce metabolic

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  The first thing that will happen in a large reduction in calories is reduced metabolism. (Metabolism is the biochemical process that uses calories for energy). Rather than decrease the calories, the more it slows down. Simply put, if you eat less, the body burns less if you eat more, the body burns more. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

For example. to earn € 1000 per month, then suddenly you get a salary of 600 € will try to spend a month like as if you've got the 1000th   But you will soon have to change your lifestyle.

The same with calorie entry that is too small. When calories do not reach your normal level, your body will reduce metabolism and. calories. Therefore, it becomes very difficult to reduce the weight, the less calories.

When the reduced calorie intake, your metabolism slows down to 20-30%. Some studies have shown that in a greater reduction in calories, metabolism slows down to 45%. 100% Money Back Guarantee

This is the same as if your basal, basal metabolism of 3000 calories down to 1650 calories. This explains why even at very small doses of food does not lose more weight on and why is it so hard to lose those last 5 to 10 pounds.

Kyle Leon Review - Maximal fat with aerobic workout CARDIO

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  For maximum fat loss requires both aerobic than anaerobic training. Moreover, we also need to eat properly and to have a healthy mindset. In this article, it is more accurately described by the aerobic fat loss, cardio or endurance training.In order to divert fat during exercise , it must be oxygen present . This means that the intensity is at a level that is the heart of the blood vessel is able to lead to the muscles of sufficient oxygen, by only those necessary for muscle contraction and consequently movement. We speak of aerobic exercise, which   means that we practice under the   presence of   oxygen, as an energy source is used primarily fat. Aerobic exercise is a cardiovascular activity involving large muscle groups, especially your legs, but it should be longer and more uniform. (At least 20 minutes). Become A Muscle Builder

There are two ways of absorbing fat . The first is to reduce the amount of caloric intake of food and the other is that to increase the number of calories burned during training . In both we are in calorie deficit, which means that we have entered less calories than we need to maintain the status quo of body composition. Many people mistake this time significantly reduce your caloric intake , train almost zero. This slows down the metabolism , which reduces the lean body mass - muscles. The result is that now even with less food intake does not lose fat . Without appropriate training will be difficult to manage, since the loss of fat-free training almost impossible. This is because, since excessive reduction in calories and too slow metabolism. This is also the reason that most diet programs fail.   S training will make calorie deficit and also increase your metabolism . Most people are afraid to increase calorie intake and increasing exercise because they think it does not go together. But the truth is different.

When a goal is fat loss is better to choose the cyclical activities such as running, cycling, cross country skiing, skating, etc. .. Also acyclic activities such as football, basketball and the like, are good, but again, when the objective is maximum fat loss are a better choice first. Each activity has a definite impact on the consumption of fat, to maximize it is a better choice long aerobic exercise medium to higher levels of effort and will assist in fat loss in the shortest possible time . Still, the very long-term use low-intensity exercise, which is to be very effective, but it is wrong. Low intensity workout burns fewer calories than high intensity, so it is a better choice. Why? Low intensity workout burns more fat than

carbohydrates% or. muscle glycogen, and high intensity burns more glycogen than fat%. However! In the case of high-intensity exercise burn no more. calories, it is also no. calories from fat higher than in the low intensity training, in addition, with high-intensity exercise more strongly influence the metabolism. 100% Money Back Guarantee

How long? From 15 to 30 minutes of continuous low-intensity exercise has very little effect. Medium or higher intensity has a positive impact on reducing the resting heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. .. but it is not enough for a real attack on fat .. For most people, it is considered to be better if the practice for more than 30 minutes. It is recommended that 40 to 45 minutes of exercise a constant medium to high intensity is the best way. 60 minutes maximum, mainly because of the potential damage ... It is distributed training into two parts. For example. 45 minutes in the morning and evening for 30 minutes. We have just one day practicing 75 minutes. In any event, if the training takes less than 30 minutes, you need to increase the intensity to burn a sufficient amount of fat.

Kyle Leon Review - Blood fats - cholesterol and triglycerides

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an essential human body. Problems arise only when it is too much.

Why the high level of cholesterol in the blood dangerous? Because the high level of cholesterol important cause of cardiovascular disease . Problems arise when the level of cholesterol in the blood is too high ( hypercholesterolemia ) and begins to accumulate in the arterial wall. This process known as atherosclerosis. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Hypercholesterolemia is a pathological condition where the level of cholesterol in blood plasma is too high. It is not a disease but a metabolic disorder (defect particles that carry cholesterol in the blood) that can cause many diseases (eg, diabetes, thyroid disease). It is one of the most threatening factors for the rapid formation of atherosclerosis.

Is it harmful cholesterol?

The recommendation is that we have a harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood as little as possible, while HDL cholesterol as much as possible, as this reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

LDL-C : called bad, bad cholesterol, it may begin to accumulate in the vessel wall and thereby narrows. This damaging process can lead to angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and stroke.

HDL Cholesterol : also known as good cholesterol or beneficial, protective cholesterol. After the blood is passed with good lipoproteins, which allow the cholesterol from various tissues, as well as from the walls of the vessel to remove and transmitted back to the liver from where it is excreted in the bile from the organism.

Why is it good to know how much cholesterol in my blood?

Cholesterol in the blood tells us what our risk of cardiovascular disease as well as atherosclerosis . In particular, the risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease and cholesterol important information what is the degree of risk for the disease. 

How often should I measure the level of cholesterol in the blood? Introduction to Kyle Leon

Every adult should know their blood lipid levels. (Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides).

More frequent monitoring is important for all those who already have one or more factors for atherosclerosis.

It is recommended that adults older than 20 years, the level of blood lipids checked every five years, and the measurements should be in the event of suspected familial hyperlipidemia performed in children in the second year of age and adolescents.

Kyle Leon Review - Weight Loss Is Very Important


You may have never heard of cholecystokinin, but weight loss is very important. This digestive hormone is a natural appetite suppressant. So enjoy beans! The study shows that the eight men had twice the level of this hormone after eating a meal with beans and fed with fiber, which included rice and milk. Beans maintain blood sugar levels and helps to abstain from food for a long time and also lowers the level of cholesterol. Introduction to Kyle Leon


Cottage cheese made from skimmed cow's milk contains only 56 calories and low in fat (light quark) is a good source of protein, calcium and vitamins. With the addition of fruits such. banana or strawberry a tasty dessert.


Studies have shown that consuming more food if you drink too little. Water has no calories, but you fill your stomach. You can add lemon to taste, but you can also drink beverages with fewer calories, which consist mainly of water such as coconut water, watermelon juice or buttermilk. You can also enjoy vegetable soup and avoid the cream.


Hidden ingredient that speeds up the metabolism and loss of body fat in green tea is an antioxidant called catechin. Take two cups of green tea a day, and in this way you also lower your cholesterol. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts


If you want to lose weight does not mean that we should completely delete all the desserts from the menu. Here and there we have a sin, so you can enjoy a bar of chocolate a day and thus avoid excessive intake of pre-cakes. Should contain a high proportion of cocoa (at least 70%). It contains many antioxidants, beneficial effect against stress and otherwise has a positive impact on our health.

Kyle Leon Review - Food that helps you lose weight

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  here is no magic diet. However, since some foods rich in fiber, Satisfy us for a long time, in addition to establishing a hormonal balance, which means that you are less hungry. For a healthy and balanced diet include foods listed below, which on top of that also contain little fat and relatively low in calories. Become A Muscle Builder


Medium-sized pear contains about 6 grams of fiber, a medium-sized apple is about 3 grams. Both contain pectin, which reduces blood sugar levels by helping you avoid snacks between meals. 12-week study, which took place in Brazil shows that women with overweight, which have consumed three small pears or apples a day lost more weight than women on the same diet who consumed three small oatmeal cookies instead of fruit. 100 g of pears only contains 54 calories, while 100 g of apple about 55 calories.


Instead of touching by sweets, try grapes instead. It has a high degree of sugar, so it is not very exaggerated, but does not contain fats. 100 g of grape contains only 70 calories. It helps in weight loss and cleanses the body and is one of the most powerful antioxidants.


Check your appetite and eat a meal salad bowl (make sure only the creamy dressing). Studies show that those who consume a larger
amount of low-calorie salads, eaten a meal 12% less food. Make a salad of carrot, cabbage, tomato, beetroot, lettuce or cucumber, all these kinds of salads are poor people with calorie dressing for, you can use lemon or curd. You can also prepare this sandwich from raw vegetables. Whoever feeds on this way to obtain a greater amount of vitamin C and E, folic acid, lycopene and carotenoids-all fighters against disease than those who do not do this.100% Money Back Guarantee


If you might be surprised to say that the potato itself is no problem, the problem is just how it is prepared. The high fat content in chips or fried potatoes. Boiled or baked in the oven without adding any fat potatoes very good for your diet. Potatoes contain 97 calories per 100 grams.

CEREALS Grains contain fiber, which help fill you up. Select oats, barley, rye, roasted corn, rice, whole grain cereal with less sugar. Add them into your daily menu, it fill you up for longer periods of time with relatively few calories. For a good and healthy breakfast can use the next whole grains and milk with less fat, the sweeter the taste, you can add sliced fruit.

Kyle Leon Review - Tips for the firm and vital body

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  Becoming a slimmer body is transformed with a target action on the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose (fat). This creates an accumulation of fatty tissue, which is a natural energy reserve, and therma protection of our body. Excessive volume or uneven distribution of fat are unsightly. What can we do? It depends on the distribution of fat: the various parts of the body have different strategies for reducing their size! Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Belly and Hips

weight loss - belly and hipsIn women, the masculine form of the law, during menopause, and in general men are imposed mainly on fat belly. The fat that is deposited on this area is particularly unsightly, but it can be easily dismantled. On the sides of this fat in men and women accumulate in specific forms.

In order to reach these parts form a complete figure is very useful exercises for toning muscles (sit-ups and leg lift alternately supine). To achieve even better results, we recommend regular physical activity (2x per week). Avoid drastic diets and sudden changes in weight.


The thighs are part of the body where fat tissue requires, first at the top of the thighs, in the form of "breeches", and often reaches the inner part of the knee. The skin on the inside of the thigh has a very fine and rapid loss of tone and therefore the irregularities due to the accumulation of fat is all the more visible. This area is especially recommended to use cosmetics slender figure and products that promote the removal of excess fluid from the body. The effectiveness of the product and massage your thighs, bottom-up increases. Introduction to Kyle Leon


In particular, after forty and overweight may be at the upper arms, accumulation of the fat, often accompanied by loss of skin tone. To remedy this, try to combine the specific exercises for Upper Arm muscles (triceps) and the use of a cosmetic product that reduces the amount of processed and increase the elasticity and skin tone.

Monday 11 November 2013

Kyle Leon Review -Fish oil for children


The use of fish oil for children fish oil fish oil for children or infants, children, fish, fish oil, fish oil, fish oil use in children with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon. Become A Muscle Builder

CHILDREN FISH OIL FISH OIL children with the use of fish oil for children fish oil use in children Using Fish Oil fish oil fish oil for children balk oil, fish oil, fish oil for children, fish oil pills fish oil fish oil for use in children for the children


Province gives its name to the district and the city center is the center of a busy road junction in the agricultural economy of a transportation center.

(province) : Balinese province , the Department of the Republic of Turkey Marmara Region Southern Marmara , the Aegean region, in the part of its territory , a province in the Marmara and the Aegean Sea coast

Fishing: Fishing, in the narrowest sense of the seas, lakes and rivers of fish poaching in various ways.

Balk emir spur: Balk see report, sports club was founded in 1966 in Bali kefir. Colors are red and white. Honey -cut in favor of the call Balked sirs or. Who is Kyle Leon?

Rainfall: Rainfall, come down to earth atmosphere, water vapor condenses on the liquid or solid state. Plumy meter is measured with a device called.

These reverse to the intestinal loop, creating an artificial valve, and small bowel transplantation to be listed as colonic interposition with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Kyle Leon Review - Benefits of Fish Oil

Benefits of Fish Oil with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Fish oil - fish oil - about which fish oil is good for Fat loss

The benefits of fish oil - Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Fish Oil

Fish oil contains omega- 3 fatty acids are extremely useful thanks The benefits of fish oil, many diseases ranging from depression to diabetes treatment has therapeutic properties.

Useful in many psychological problems, notably depression

One of the biggest benefits of fish oil, loss of vision due to macular degeneration in people living in the therapeutic characteristics

Fish oil has been shown that people who consume less heart disease

People who are suffering from high cholesterol, fish oil reduced cholesterol levels

Web pages that can cause cancer tumors are destroying fish oil

Fish oil is very beneficial in people with attention deficit

Regressive feature of schizophrenia patients are disease

Fish oil has been proven successfully used in the treatment of obesity. 100% Money Back Guarantee

Rheumatic pain, joint pain, and edema are also very destructive to property swellings in the joints of fish oil per month f Keywords:

Children, the use of fish oil fish oil for children fat loss fish oil for children to use honey, how to use fish oil fish oil for obesity in children vegetal capsule with the help of Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon

Kyle Leon Review - metabolism disorder


Obesity, which causes physical and mental problems, energy metabolism disorder associated with excessive fat deposition in the body with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon. Become A Muscle Builder

Obesity is increasing the amount of fat in the body, due to the length of their body weight over a long and lean mass than children who are not obese.

Obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, degenerative arthritis, is a close relationship between many diseases such as thrombi phlebitis, fat people, life time was reduced and the majority of obese adults were obese in childhood is known.

Therefore, between the ages of childhood obesity is considered as a major health problem today.

Age, the incidence of obesity in children and adults around the world and in our country is increasing rapidly.

To prevent this situation for the future of the public health risk is important to follow your weight in childhood.

Families tend to increase weight gain should be carefully monitored, and warned about it.

Determine the rate of obesity is important in assessing body fat and lean tissue. There are different methods used to determine these rates. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Hard to use a portion of the methods employed in practical life. Used for scientific purposes.

Obesity is a common problem of the method used to evaluate reliable, cheap, easy, and asked to be repeated with Customized fat loss product by Kyle Leon

Kyle Leon Review - Diabetes diet

Diabetes diet with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Diabetes in a large part of the people in the world , and every day more and more people need to answer the question what is affects the body's sugar in foods consumed in order to meet the energy requirements to use insulin. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

The hormone that the pancreas cannot be manufactured because of the problems that can occur due to the rising briefly summarized in the form of sugar in the blood ratio.

The treatment of type 2 diabetes and people with type 1 diabetes or for the treatment of common diabetes research as a possible treatment of diabetes with pancreas transplant only making up 10% of diabetes patients with type 1 diabetes , their bodies of unknown causes as a result of the problems caused by diabetes

Tip 2 diabetes therapy on the healing of the person completely, but enjoy less affected by diabetes type 2 diabetes treatment on providing, is based on the genetic causes of disease is not possible.

Recent developments in the treatment of patients with diabetes, followed soon after the detection of a Fat

Symptoms began the process of the treatment of type 2 diabetes patients at a time, with recent advances in the treatment of diabetes disease, genetic factors when it comes to completely defeat tied down in almost all scientists condition.Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Recent developments in the treatment of diabetes in general, and pancreas transplantation of pancreatic cell transfer on the outside, in order to provide the people of the two studies the years is quite a long with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon

Kyle Leon Review -Treatment and cure

Drinking a lot of water held responsible for contacting a physician diagnosis of diabetes symptoms listed above with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

You can easily disorders, acetone breath odor, more severe symptoms, such as shock, you can easily put the diagnosis of diabetes. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Treatment stages and the family of a child diagnosed with diabetes, diabetes education primarily the lack of insulin or insulin for the treatment of hazardous not have to balance the amount of glucose in the diet program experts in the treatment of diabetes, diabetes education referenced other

Son the aim of insulin therapy is at least as important to diabetics in addition to providing psychological support to be able to do the self-care of these patients.

Diabetes is now an epidemic, such as through the media so publications, a number of events held around the world

To be created awareness societies since the dawn of the views of experts to consider a balanced diet of salt , sugar and fat foods , such as infants under the age of at least one diabetes reduces the possibility of facing the future given that the babies .

These parameters indicate whether there is a successful treatment for dehydration if kept on the series. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Including dehydration, metabolic alkalosis and metabolic acidosis, particularly during the acid-base balance disorders are often encountered.

To make this assessment should look at the three major parameters: pH, PCO 2, and bicarbonate levels with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Kyle Leon Review - Diabetes in children

Cure Diabetes in children with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

Children with diabetes insulin, into the human body in food conversion of glucose in the liver and other body tissues for storing hormone. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Insulin, the hormone when it is needed to use as fuel at the presence or absence of the amount of glucose in the blood rises and that endanger human lives lead to problems caused by the disease, the name given to the world of medicine

The symptoms of these problems in general are as follows: thirst, urination extreme climbing, weight loss, fatigue , recurrent infections , and finally the appearance rate of diabetes in the elderly, young people

More than that , though nowadays a very common disease in children , although children with diabetes later periods , but can be detected and delay in taking action .

Symptoms of diabetes in children

" Urinalysis Nocturne children miss the start of urine .
" Fungal infection present in the vaginal area , especially in girls .
" The child's age and development of undeveloped weight loss. Become A Muscle Builder
" Unrest .
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In cases with normal renal function, even if taken at a high-protein, urea and BUN levels can be high. Who is Kyle Leon?

Keratinize is a good parameter for kidney functions Keratinize is proportional to body muscle mass.

For this reason, small children, older children and in adults is lower than normal keratinize levels.

Chronic malnutrition of children with impaired renal function, even if the muscle mass is less than the serum keratinize levels may be normal.

Measurements of keratinize bodies affected by other substances (e.g., diabetic) is higher than it should be.

Density and of urine during dehydration increases Remove from severe dehydration on urine density 1030

Despite the presence of urine specific gravity and you dehydration, urinary concentrating mechanism is damaged, such as piteous incidence of diabetes is a disease in question. 100% Money Back Guarantee

Function of the urinary concentration of newborn infants is not yet in spite of severe dehydration on urine density does not usually 1020. Although during dehydration, urinary tract disease, and observed. These changes are lost after dehydration treatment.

Dehydration is cared for at the beginning of treatment total protein, white blood cell and red blood cell values is higher than that due to These changes goes down to normal levels after dehydration treatment. After an evaluation, but it is healthy with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon

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This intracellular potassium to leave the cell and insufficiency is optional. ECG changes in intracellular potassium deficiency (T flattening, U waves, prolonged PR interval, etc) and better understood with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

After treatment of the acute phase of dehydration decreases circulation improves and potassium enters the cell and discharge of urine increases. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Therefore, serum potassium should be done quickly if the need for additional drops.

GFR is reduced during dehydration, blood urea, blood (serum) urea nitrogen (BUN, SUN) and level increases (failure).

Nitrogen is not in the blood serum BUN looking so commonly used is not correct for the fact that, instead of used SUN.

Urea need both urea nitrogen (SUN) of dietary protein content is affected by factors such as tissue damage and tubular re absorption

For example, even if impaired renal function may be normal urea and SUN.

Table 6: normal values and some laboratory parameters used in monitoring the treatment of Obesity The numbers in parentheses international units show coefficients required to convert.

Of sodium, serum (x1) serum (x 0.88)

All ages 134 to 146 me / L Cord 0.6-1.2 mg / dl Newborn. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

0.3-1.0 mg / dl Potassium, serum (x1) Nursling

0.2-0.4 mg / dl<2 years3.0-6.0 me / L

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Table 5, the laboratory tests frequently during Fat loss process with Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon

The blood or serum views: Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

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For example, the patient's blood glucose 600 mg / dl, serum sodium is [(600-100) ^ 100] x 1.6 = 8 me / L lower than seen.

Chlorine levels in serum sodium levels are usually measured in not be required. But to have caused metabolic acidosis define the evolution of the anion, but more is possible with serum levels of chlorine. That is equal to the sum of and anions in biological fluids one thing that there is no gap.

But serum (sodium + potassium) total anions (chloride + bicarbonate) the sum of 15 ± 5 mew / L is greater. Introduction to Kyle Leon

This redundancy is often unmeasured anion gap that is due to organic acids. If a metabolic acidosis renal bicarbonate loss of chlorine is high, there is not an increase in organic acids. If the chlorine level is normal, the increase of organic acids depends on the metabolic acidosis.

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Serum electrolyte changes in levels of dehydration during these causes some of the physical symptoms (Table 4). Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

These findings are not specific laboratory investigations, but with significant electronic changes can occur and must validate.


Mild laboratory tests are usually not necessary. Sleep in the hospital laboratory findings in the diagnosis and follow-up of weight can give us valuable information. 8.9 Once more the laboratory tests are not helpful and even mislead us from time to time.

If the views are quite useful in series (Figure 5 and 6) No laboratory tests indicate that the severity of dehydration.

Determines the type of serum sodium levels, but the degree of dehydration and total body sodium show

For example, even total body sodium decreased cases of and serum concentration of water is reduced.

In contrast with routine laboratory methods are not only able to measure the sodium of the liquid phase.

Therefore, even if the actual low serum sodium is detected as normal. 100% Money Back Guarantee

Cases (e.g., hyperglycemia, the use of manifold, etc.) due to hi- intracellular fluid passes out of the cell would be diluted in serum sodium levels were normal, and even if it is determined to be low. -drawn into each of 100 mg increase in blood serum sodium levels 1.6 L a is caused to fall with Customized fat loss product by Kyle Leon

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During dehydration, kidney, diabetes if you do not have defect concentration as well as the amount of urine is reduced and the color darkens with Customized fat loss torrent by Kyle Leon

Urine and feces are mixed together diapered children with Obesity is difficult to estimate the amount of urine.

Required amount of urine is definitely known to the patient or the probe should be connected to the bladder. Become A Muscle Builder

(* Turgot and skin elasticity terms mistakenly used as a synonym actually, turgid, capillary filling time is a term synonymous with.)

Table 4 Serum electrolyte levels as a result of changes in the physical findings

Laboratory findings


Metabolic acidosis

Increase in respiratory rate and depth of

Metabolic alkalosis Increased respiratory rate and depth, titan

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Subcutaneous fat is reduced in people with chronic malnutrition, dehydration, and decreased skin elasticity, if not. In patients with severe dehydration, even more than fat reduced skin elasticity. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

The greater the degree of dehydration exacerbated by peripheral vasoconstriction and inserts it cools down.

Later in the shock stage and vasodilatation of the compensatory mechanisms would be bankrupt.

Therefore, the limb-s heats cold (warm shock) People exposed to the cold or heated, if not the end of the peripheral regions of dehydration may be skin can be cold.

The most valuable finding of capillary filling time of dehydration 7 is a color change in a normal person would be tweaked skin is tightened and the skin returns to normal when the color suddenly.

The same operation can be done simply by pressing the nail beds.

If you have poor circulation in the delayed return to restore the color Mild dehydration at this time for 2 seconds

If heavy 3 seconds long Dehydration, cold extremities of the capillary filling time, if not longer
Light pulse. Introduction to Kyle Leon

At the end of the pulse and the pulse to the degree of dehydration are reduced fullness. The pulse rate is a good benchmark to demonstrate the degree of de-hydration. For example, heavy normal pulse rate, can be reduced or even increased. Similarly, changes in blood pressure may be misleading with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon.