Sunday 17 November 2013

Kyle Leon Review – Romanian muscle building approach

Technique of the Romanian traction:

•    Stand in front of the bar, feet slightly narrower shoulders. Take hold of the bar (on top of the grip), hands shoulder width apart or slightly narrower. The back should be straight, with a slight deflection in the lower back, shoulders back. The chin should be parallel to the floor, his head looking forward. The legs are straight. This starting position. Become A Muscle Builder

•    No sudden movements on inspiration tilt the body forward, gradually diverting the pelvis back. Maintain a small deflection in the lower back, back in any case not round. During the execution of the repeat motion of the bar must pass along the surface of the legs, almost touching the shins, knees, hips.

•    The slope of producing up until the moment when the body does not become parallel to the floor. Grief at the lowest point is at the mid-shin.

•    Next, begin to unbend. Gently straighten your back, pulling the buttocks, hips and returning the body to its original position.

•    Breathing Technique: inspiratory begin to bend, exhale exercise during extension after overcoming the most difficult area.

•    Make sure that the run-time repeat bar "slides" on the surface of the legs. Otherwise, it will be another exercise, known as the straight legs to stand on. Also make sure that the head did not fall, and looked ahead. The back should be straight and preserve the natural sag in the back. Introduction to Kyle Leon

•    Exercise is carried out in a three - four approaches from 8 to 12 repetitions each.

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