Monday 11 November 2013

Kyle Leon Review - During Fat loss process

Table 5, the laboratory tests frequently during Fat loss process with Customized fat loss by Kyle Leon

The blood or serum views: Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

• Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium)
• Blood gases (pH, bicarbonate, PO 2, PCO 2)
• Hemoglobin, total protein
• Os morality, glucose
• Urea, BUN (SUN), keratinize the blood or serum views
• The quantity, density, electrolytes

For example, the patient's blood glucose 600 mg / dl, serum sodium is [(600-100) ^ 100] x 1.6 = 8 me / L lower than seen.

Chlorine levels in serum sodium levels are usually measured in not be required. But to have caused metabolic acidosis define the evolution of the anion, but more is possible with serum levels of chlorine. That is equal to the sum of and anions in biological fluids one thing that there is no gap.

But serum (sodium + potassium) total anions (chloride + bicarbonate) the sum of 15 ± 5 mew / L is greater. Introduction to Kyle Leon

This redundancy is often unmeasured anion gap that is due to organic acids. If a metabolic acidosis renal bicarbonate loss of chlorine is high, there is not an increase in organic acids. If the chlorine level is normal, the increase of organic acids depends on the metabolic acidosis.

Dehydration, low potassium, total body potassium levels taken at the start of treatment, even if it may be normal or even high with Customized fat loss scam by Kyle Leon

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