Friday 15 November 2013

Health and safety during a fire

During a fire, you warn someone close and you can come rescue from the toxic smoke. Relive your own house fire: do the test on fire need to be prepared. Become A Muscle Builder

Because it can happen to anyone

Young or old, new or old Dutchman, Hank and Ingrid, King or Queen: for all is the chance of 1 in 1,000 that you experience a house fire once. Because that opportunity is so large, you should do three things. 1: fireproof (err) life. 2: a working smoke detector hanging. 3: know how to flee from fire.

An online test and tips on this, is on Thousands of volunteers are helping The 55,000 collectors of Burns Foundation share between 6 and 12 October tickets from a smoke detector which you can order at a discount. But it can be relied on all of the thousands of volunteers Smoke Team. During Fire Prevention Weeks This trained the Fire people place smoke detectors in homes who for some reason cannot correct. Introduction to Kyle Leon

Moreover, they also give practical fire safety tips. And of course put the fire everywhere in the country. They share the "what do you do with newspaper-newspaper" and special mini-magazine for seniors out, do (unexpected) home visits and provide information about fire prevention. Source: Dutch Burns Foundation.

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