Sunday 17 November 2013

Kyle Leon Review - Technique of the glutes and back muscle

Technique of the glutes and back muscle exercises are as follows:-

•    Stand in front of the platform at a distance of 30 cm, holding dumbbells in your hands. Put your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Introduction to Kyle Leon

•    Shift the center of gravity of the left leg and right foot to step onto the platform. The right foot is called working.

•    Stretch the muscles of the thigh right leg. The right foot is on the platform intently during the entire exercise. Push off the left foot off the floor and straighten your right leg, climbing onto the platform, left foot to put to right.

•    The right foot is on the platform. Left foot step back, on the floor, legs returning to the starting position ends with one repetition.

•    First perform the required number of repetitions for the right foot, and then - to the left.

•    This exercise is carried out in three - four approaches to the average of 13 repetitions for each leg. 100% Money Back Guarantee

The following exercise will be used to elaborate the back of the thigh muscles. This Romanian deadlifts, or Romanian lifting. This exercise is necessary for building up the mass of the back of the thigh muscles, in particular - the buttocks, upper and middle part of the hamstring, as well as the separation of the gluteal muscle and hamstring. This basic exercise is necessary for all athletes who wish to obtain the harmonious development of the leg muscles.

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