Friday 15 November 2013

Chronic pain after breast augmentation

A quarter of the women who have breast augmentation to perform, observe these cosmetic surgery on chronic pain. The hurts the positive effect on the quality of life after breast augmentation destroyed. This is evident from doctoral research Monique Steelers as anesthesiologist / pain practitioner attached to the UMC St Redbud in Nijmegen. They promoted on 2 November. "Women who are considering breast augmentation, should be well wonder if they want to take the risk of chronic pain," says Steelers. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Monique Steger’s interviewed 265 women who have breast augmentation to perform. As many as a quarter of the respondents showed more than two years after surgery to experience. Pain of surgery

This pain resulted in a positive effect on the quality of life remained omitted for them. In the women without chronic pain, the quality of life after breast augmentation is increasing. The size of the implants had no influence on the development of chronic pain.

It is for the first time that research has been done on the development of persistent pain as a result of a breast enlargement operation. These operations occur almost exclusively in private clinics, which carry no scientific research.

Every year in the Netherlands about 3000 breast enlargement surgery instead

"It is important that physicians to women who are considering breast augmentation, give good information about the risk of chronic pain after surgery," says Steelers." Become A Muscle Builder

You must surely have to ask whether you about to have a cosmetic surgery." Breast Surgery The main objective of the PhD research of Steelers was broader: they wanted to examine the role of nerve damage in the development of chronic pain after surgery. They did not only study among women who have had breast augmentation (here, no nerve damage), but also among patients after heart or lung surgery and after surgery for breast cancer.

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