Tuesday 12 November 2013

Kyle Leon Review - Maximal fat with aerobic workout CARDIO

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  For maximum fat loss requires both aerobic than anaerobic training. Moreover, we also need to eat properly and to have a healthy mindset. In this article, it is more accurately described by the aerobic fat loss, cardio or endurance training.In order to divert fat during exercise , it must be oxygen present . This means that the intensity is at a level that is the heart of the blood vessel is able to lead to the muscles of sufficient oxygen, by only those necessary for muscle contraction and consequently movement. We speak of aerobic exercise, which   means that we practice under the   presence of   oxygen, as an energy source is used primarily fat. Aerobic exercise is a cardiovascular activity involving large muscle groups, especially your legs, but it should be longer and more uniform. (At least 20 minutes). Become A Muscle Builder http://www.kyleleonreviewscam.com/

There are two ways of absorbing fat . The first is to reduce the amount of caloric intake of food and the other is that to increase the number of calories burned during training . In both we are in calorie deficit, which means that we have entered less calories than we need to maintain the status quo of body composition. Many people mistake this time significantly reduce your caloric intake , train almost zero. This slows down the metabolism , which reduces the lean body mass - muscles. The result is that now even with less food intake does not lose fat . Without appropriate training will be difficult to manage, since the loss of fat-free training almost impossible. This is because, since excessive reduction in calories and too slow metabolism. This is also the reason that most diet programs fail.   S training will make calorie deficit and also increase your metabolism . Most people are afraid to increase calorie intake and increasing exercise because they think it does not go together. But the truth is different.

When a goal is fat loss is better to choose the cyclical activities such as running, cycling, cross country skiing, skating, etc. .. Also acyclic activities such as football, basketball and the like, are good, but again, when the objective is maximum fat loss are a better choice first. Each activity has a definite impact on the consumption of fat, to maximize it is a better choice long aerobic exercise medium to higher levels of effort and will assist in fat loss in the shortest possible time . Still, the very long-term use low-intensity exercise, which is to be very effective, but it is wrong. Low intensity workout burns fewer calories than high intensity, so it is a better choice. Why? Low intensity workout burns more fat than

carbohydrates% or. muscle glycogen, and high intensity burns more glycogen than fat%. However! In the case of high-intensity exercise burn no more. calories, it is also no. calories from fat higher than in the low intensity training, in addition, with high-intensity exercise more strongly influence the metabolism. 100% Money Back Guarantee http://www.kyleleonreviewscam.com/somanabolic-muscle-maximizer-review/

How long? From 15 to 30 minutes of continuous low-intensity exercise has very little effect. Medium or higher intensity has a positive impact on reducing the resting heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. .. but it is not enough for a real attack on fat .. For most people, it is considered to be better if the practice for more than 30 minutes. It is recommended that 40 to 45 minutes of exercise a constant medium to high intensity is the best way. 60 minutes maximum, mainly because of the potential damage ... It is distributed training into two parts. For example. 45 minutes in the morning and evening for 30 minutes. We have just one day practicing 75 minutes. In any event, if the training takes less than 30 minutes, you need to increase the intensity to burn a sufficient amount of fat.

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