Tuesday 12 November 2013

Kyle Leon Review - Blood fats - cholesterol and triglycerides

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an essential human body. Problems arise only when it is too much.

Why the high level of cholesterol in the blood dangerous? Because the high level of cholesterol important cause of cardiovascular disease . Problems arise when the level of cholesterol in the blood is too high ( hypercholesterolemia ) and begins to accumulate in the arterial wall. This process known as atherosclerosis. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam? http://www.kyleleonreviewscam.com/

Hypercholesterolemia is a pathological condition where the level of cholesterol in blood plasma is too high. It is not a disease but a metabolic disorder (defect particles that carry cholesterol in the blood) that can cause many diseases (eg, diabetes, thyroid disease). It is one of the most threatening factors for the rapid formation of atherosclerosis.

Is it harmful cholesterol?

The recommendation is that we have a harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood as little as possible, while HDL cholesterol as much as possible, as this reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

LDL-C : called bad, bad cholesterol, it may begin to accumulate in the vessel wall and thereby narrows. This damaging process can lead to angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and stroke.

HDL Cholesterol : also known as good cholesterol or beneficial, protective cholesterol. After the blood is passed with good lipoproteins, which allow the cholesterol from various tissues, as well as from the walls of the vessel to remove and transmitted back to the liver from where it is excreted in the bile from the organism.

Why is it good to know how much cholesterol in my blood?

Cholesterol in the blood tells us what our risk of cardiovascular disease as well as atherosclerosis . In particular, the risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease and cholesterol important information what is the degree of risk for the disease. 

How often should I measure the level of cholesterol in the blood? Introduction to Kyle Leon

Every adult should know their blood lipid levels. (Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides).

More frequent monitoring is important for all those who already have one or more factors for atherosclerosis.

It is recommended that adults older than 20 years, the level of blood lipids checked every five years, and the measurements should be in the event of suspected familial hyperlipidemia performed in children in the second year of age and adolescents.

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