Tuesday 12 November 2013

Kyle Leon Review - Eat more and weigh less

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss-  Water

In principle, most had almost one food that has a low water content. On the contrary, it was all largely consisting of the vital liquid natural 'device' to lose weight. It is therefore extremely important that calorie foods diluted with water or foods that contain a lot of water. A good example of this is the potato: from it can be prepared very calorie fried potatoes or added to
soup, in which its energy is negligibly small. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts http://www.kyleleonreviewscam.com/

Green Tea


Often greatly underestimate the positive effects they have on the health of fiber. The stomach is swollen and us so long to naturally maintain the site. In addition, they promote the digestion, anti-inflammatory, efficient and are expected to be even in the fight against cancer. That is why our menu should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, tea and water.

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If the food pyramid turned upside-down, get a scale against which to choose dishes to our menu. At the top of the water, of course, green tea and fruits and vegetables with high water content. Under these products are low-fat dairy products, legumes and whole grain foods, which can be emo until full. One floor below are the products that are known to be extremely important sources of protein: lean meats, fish and eggs. These foods should be enjoyed every day. Lowest on the food scale and the products are a rich source of calories and should be enjoyed only occasionally: vegetable oils, sausages, cheeses, dark chocolate, cocoa and fruit juices.

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